Our Stories

Sorry for the delay in new stories!!!
We have been busy updating the Pike Off OTA site. 🙂
More stories to come. Please contact me at stopthetollok@gmail.com or fill out our form here, if you would like to share your story of how the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority is robbing you of your American dream. Thanks!

American Dream to American Nightmare
According to the Google Mariam-Webster Dictionary, the American Dream is defined as: “a happy way of living that is thought of by many Americans as something that can be achieved by anyone in the U.S. especially by working hard and becoming successful. With good jobs, a nice house, two children, and plenty of money, they

The Clubb Family
We lived two very different worlds, Mike a farmer and landowner and Terrie city and rentals, but we found one another through untraditional ways. In 2009, we found our dream house on Allspice to bring our two worlds together and of course Susan, our daughter, said this is the house she wanted so of course

The Naeher Family
My wife and I purchased our land in the spring of 2019. I know that doesn’t seem that long ago, but in that short amount of time we have made a lot of memories on our acreage. The land has some pretty unique features, one of which is particularly of interest. In the back

The Groom-Barry Family
We lived for years on a very tight budget, sacrificed vacations, and our kids shared a room to save money so we could buy this property and build our dream home. We wanted our children to remain in Norman public schools and enjoy a rural setting. In 1992 we bought this lot in East Norman

The Pennington Family
Jim and Cindy Pennington purchased their tree and briar-covered land in 1982, the same year they were married. After blood, sweat and lots of poison ivy medication, they moved into their lifelong home on June 27, 1994. Now they look out at the home and environment they have created over the years with a sense

The Hall Family
MEET THE HALL FAMILY…please share In November, 2020, my family moved into the Cinnamon Run Neighborhood. My wife, son, and I are transplants from Eastern Oklahoma. My daughter is a lifelong, 11 year old resident of Norman. We are your normal and ordinary Oklahoma family. My daughter and I are proud Cherokee citizens. My son

The Le Blanc Family
This is so much more than a turnpike destroying over 600 homes! As you will see when you read the story of The Le Blanc Family…the OTA in some cases plans on destroying their home, their livelihood and their lifestyle. MEET THE LE BLANC FAMILY…PLEASE SHARE Our family home lies in the direct path of the proposed

The Cerato Family
MEET THE CERATO FAMILY…PLEASE SHARE Our house sits on the iconic Norman Conquest route, a Bicycle League of Norman sponsored ride to conquer the mid-July heat and hills of east Norman. With rolling hills, a beautiful Cross Timbers ecosystem, proximity to Lake Thunderbird and wildlife galore, east Norman is a treasure. We fortuitously rode this famous

The Carter Family
Every American has the dream of paying their mortgage off! Imagine finally making that dream come true, only to find out that the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority will be running a turnpike through your home. Meet the Carter Family….In 1979 I bought a little piece of unimproved land way out in the country on East Lindsey and

Dr. Joel Holloway & Dr. Twyla Smith
I want to introduce you to Oklahoman’s that will have their lives destroyed by the OTA. Although it is easier to believe you can’t do anything to help these people…YOU CAN! The governor can actually STOP the turnpike. You can help with your vote!!! Let me introduce you to Dr. Joel Holloway and his lovely wife,