Share Your Story!

Share with the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and Governor Stitt what your land means to you.  Let them see how this personally affects you and you loved ones who are adversely impacted by the South Extension, the Outer Loop’s East West Connector, or any other extension of their toll roads.

Share your videos via Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #stopthetollok in it and we will share them or contact me at  Thanks!

** Posts may not appear until approved. If using, Twitter and you need to post a longer video, post it to Youtube first, then share the link on Twitter.  Thanks. **

Get Involved & Find Out More

OTA South East Corridor Totals
Packed house at pikeoffota's turnpike town hall. Live streaming on Facebook! #stopthetollok #pikeoffota

Packed house at pikeoffota`s turnpike town hall. Live streaming on Facebook! #stopthetollok #pikeoffota ...

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#stopthetollok #pikeoffota

#stopthetollok #pikeoffota ...

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Hey look! I made the Governor's spying (I mean "Social Listening") list.
#stopthetollok #pikeoffota pikeoffota stopthetollok

Hey look! I made the Governor`s spying (I mean "Social Listening") list.
#stopthetollok #pikeoffota pikeoffota stopthetollok

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The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority & the OK Supreme Court's decision in a nutshell. #pikeoffota #stopthetollok PikeOffOTA

The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority & the OK Supreme Court`s decision in a nutshell. #pikeoffota #stopthetollok PikeOffOTA ...

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2023-08-01 Pike Off OTA Press conference... sorry had technical issues on the first half. 😬😬 #stopthetollok #pikeoffota

2023-08-01 Pike Off OTA Press conference... sorry had technical issues on the first half. 😬😬 #stopthetollok #pikeoffota ...

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LAST HOUR!!! Come get some FREE STUFF! Donations still welcome.  #pikeoffota #stopthetollok

LAST HOUR!!! Come get some FREE STUFF! Donations still welcome. #pikeoffota #stopthetollok ...

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This site is dedicated to those who are losing property, homes, and dreams.  Any posts misusing the hashtag will be removed.