I want to introduce you to Oklahoman’s that will have their lives destroyed by the OTA. Although it is easier to believe you can’t do anything to help these people…YOU CAN! The governor can actually STOP the turnpike. You can help with your vote!!!
Let me introduce you to Dr. Joel Holloway and his lovely wife, Dr. Twyla Smith. At age 16, Joel Holloway was told by his father that it was time to leave home. He had graduated from Davis High School and his dad felt that he could make it on his own. On Joel’s 17th birthday he joined the Army.
Joel trained as a medic and Medical Specialist in the US Army. He later went to Pharmacy School, then Medical School at the University of Oklahoma. Following a Residency in Dermatology, he returned to Norman where he treated patients with cancer and skin diseases for over 50 years.
Dr. Twyla Smith was raised in Bartlesville, OK. In 1973, she moved to Norman to attend Pharmacy School, Medical School, and Residency in Psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Smith has served patients in Oklahoma for over 30 years.
This sweet Oklahoma couple dated for 18 years and has been married 27 years! They built their forever home in Norman. They actually were married in the front yard of their dream home.

In October of 2020 their lives would change forever. Joel was on his way to the gym when a distracted driver T-boned his vehicle in a near fatal accident. At the age of 79, Joel sustained multiple fractures to his pelvis and left leg, requiring multiple surgeries. Twyla recalls her prayers of Joel to live long enough to get him home. “If I can get him home, I know he and I can make it through this together.” They are blessed to be at home today making it through recovery.
They have created a beautiful life together on a gorgeous, private property. The property is full of giant shade trees and the quiet sound of nature that is perfect for naps. They have worked their entire lives for their piece of perfect retirement.
This Oklahoma Couple has dedicated their lives to serving others. They have saved countless Oklahoma lives. PLEASE STAND with them and their neighborhood as they fight the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. If you can’t donate, you can vote! A governor has no right to take someone’s home! Let’s face it…if a tornado took out 630 Oklahoma homes, Stitt would be out pretending to pick up their yard for a photo opportunity.
You can read more about this story in this months issue of Caregiver Magazine – Oklahoma